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Case Study: Resolving Water Intrusion in a Jamaica, NY Home
Water instruction caused the basement floor to weaken, forming marks and diffusing a foul smell

Client Observations:

After noticing signs of water intrusion in his home, in and around his basement closet, a homeowner in Jamaica contacted Zavza Seal where he reported:

  • Moisture signs: Signs of dampness and water stains appeared on the closet’s floor and lower wall sections.
  • Musty odor: A definite musty odor was emanating from the closet, indicating a potential mold growth.
  • Deterioration: The drywall near the floor was also starting to show signs of water damage and potential bending.

Zavza Seal Diagnosis:

After careful observation by our team when they visited the client’s home in Jamaica, NY, to assess the situation and severity of the damage. A thorough inspection revealed:

  • Source of the leak: The source of the water intrusion was coming from the weakness in the joint where the foundation wall met the concrete floor. This would have been possible due to cracks, faulty waterproofing, or other weaknesses in the foundation.
  • The extent of the damage: The water damage was localized to the lower portion of the closet wall and floor near the foundation joint. But, early intervention was important to prevent further moisture problems and potential mold growth.

Zavza Seal Solution:

To address the water intrusion and prevent future issues, Zavza Seal proposed a targeted and effective solution:

  • Precise Access: A 24-inch section of drywall would be carefully removed from the wall, approximately 3 inches above the floor. This would allow access to the foundation wall/floor joint for repairs.
  • Surface Preparation: To ensure proper adhesion of the waterproofing material, the Zavza Seal team would grind the concrete floor 3 inches horizontally and the foundation wall 3 inches vertically at the joint.
  • Waterproofing Installation: A reinforced 4.5oz Basecrete brand fiberglass mesh waterproofing cement would be applied along the entire length of the exposed joint. This high-quality material creates a watertight barrier, preventing future moisture intrusion.
  • Drywall Restoration: Once the waterproofing solution cured completely, Zavza Seal would install a new section of drywall to seamlessly replace the removed section. The new drywall would then be taped and compounded to achieve a smooth and finished appearance.

Benefits of the Zavza Seal Solution:

  • Targeted Repair: This solution focused on the specific source of the leak, effectively addressing the water intrusion problem without unnecessary demolition or disruption.
  • Long-Term Protection: The high-quality Basecrete waterproofing material provides a durable and long-lasting barrier against future water infiltration.
  • Minimized Disruption: By strategically removing a small section of drywall, Zavza Seal minimized the impact on the homeowner’s living space.
  • Complete Restoration: The project included the replacement and finishing of the drywall, ensuring a visually appealing and functional closet space.


Water damage on the floor

Water damage on the floor


Continuation of water damage within the closet room of the basement

Continuation of water damage within the closet room of the basement

The Result:

Zavza Seal’s prompt and professional intervention successfully addressed the water intrusion issue in the client’s Jamaica, NY home. The targeted repairs stopped the leak at its source, preventing further water damage and potential mold growth. The client was happy with the efficient service, minimal disruption, and the restored functionality of his closet.

Zavza Seal: Your Trusted Partner for Water Intrusion Solutions

If you suspect water intrusion in your home, don’t wait! Contact Zavza Seal today. Our experienced team will diagnose the problem, propose an effective solution, and restore your peace of mind.

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