Long Island, New York
Waterproofing a failing rubble foundation in a climate prone to freeze-thaw cycles and wet seasons.
Homeowner Observation:
The homeowners of a charming historic house in Long Island noticed a gradual decline in their basement’s functionality. Over time, they observed:
- Increased moisture on the basement walls
- Musty odors
- A damp and uncomfortable feeling in the basement
- Cracks appearing in the foundation walls
These issues became particularly concerning during the spring season when melting snow and frequent rain seemed to exacerbate the moisture problems.
Seeking a Solution:
Concerned about the health of their foundation and the overall comfort of their home, the homeowners contacted Zavza Seal LLC, a trusted general contractor company specializing in foundation repair and waterproofing on Long Island.
Zavza Seal LLC’s Examination:
Our team of experienced professionals conducted a thorough inspection of the basement and foundation. The examination revealed:
- The house had a traditional rubble foundation, common in older Long Island homes.
- The mortar joints between the stones in the foundation were deteriorating, allowing moisture to seep through.
- Cracks in the foundation walls further compromised the waterproofing integrity.
The Long Island Climate Factor:
Long Island’s climate with its freeze-thaw cycles presented a significant challenge. Water that seeped into the foundation walls during wet periods would freeze and expand during colder months, further widening cracks and accelerating the deterioration of the mortar joints.
Recommended Solution and Application:
Given the specific needs of the foundation and the Long Island climate, Zavza Seal LLC recommended a comprehensive waterproofing solution:
- Excavation: A section of the exterior soil surrounding the foundation was carefully excavated to expose the foundation walls.
- Crack Repair: Existing cracks in the foundation walls were meticulously cleaned and repaired using high-quality hydraulic cement.
- Waterproofing Membrane: A high-performance waterproofing membrane was applied to the exposed foundation walls. This membrane acts as a barrier, preventing moisture from penetrating the foundation.
- Drainage System: A perimeter drainage system was installed around the foundation to collect and redirect any water accumulating near the foundation walls, further minimizing moisture infiltration.
- Backfilling: The excavated soil was carefully backfilled around the foundation, ensuring proper compaction to prevent future settling.
Before and After
The Outcome – A Dry and Healthy Basement:
The implemented waterproofing solution effectively addressed the moisture issues in the homeowner’s basement. The musty odors disappeared, and the basement became a dry and comfortable space. With a properly sealed foundation, homeowners can enjoy peace of mind knowing their home is protected from the damaging effects of water infiltration, especially during the harsh Long Island winters.
Additional Notes:
This case study demonstrates the importance of professional foundation repair and waterproofing services, particularly in areas like Long Island with specific climate challenges. Zavza Seal LLC’s expertise in identifying the root cause of the problem and applying the most effective solution ensured a long-lasting and successful outcome for the homeowners.