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Case Study: Transforming a Long Island Backyard with Expert Landscape Grading
A graded landscape on a commercial property that the Zavza Seal team repaired to sort water run-offs.

The Challenge

A homeowner in Long Island was frustrated with their backyard’s uneven terrain, which was causing water runoff issues, making it difficult to mow, and creating an unsightly appearance. The property sloped downwards towards the house, leading to pooling water and potential foundation problems. The homeowner sought a solution to create a level, functional, and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space.

The Zavza Seal Solution

The Zavza Seal team, a leading provider of landscaping and grading services in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island, was called in to address the homeowner’s concerns. Our team conducted a thorough assessment of the property to determine the best course of action.

The Diagnosis:

Upon inspection, our experts identified several issues contributing to the poor drainage and unevenness of the backyard:

  • Incorrect Slope: The existing slope directed water towards the house, increasing the risk of foundation damage.
  • Soil Erosion: The uneven terrain had led to soil erosion, creating unsightly gullies and depressions.
  • Poor Drainage: Lack of proper drainage infrastructure resulted in water pooling and creating muddy areas.

The Solution:

To address these issues, Zavza Seal implemented a comprehensive landscape grading plan:

  1. Site Preparation: We began by clearing the area of debris, plants, and any obstacles that could hinder the grading process.
  2. Excavation: Using specialized equipment, we carefully excavated the necessary areas to achieve the desired slope and drainage.
  3. Soil Redistribution: We redistributed the soil to create a level and even surface, ensuring proper drainage away from the house.
  4. Drainage Installation: To prevent future water accumulation, we installed a subsurface drainage system to collect and divert water away from the property.
  5. Soil Compaction: The graded area was compacted to prevent settling and ensure the stability of the new terrain.

The result was a transformed backyard with improved drainage, a level surface, and a visually appealing landscape. The homeowner was delighted with the outcome and the positive impact it had on their outdoor living space.


The situation of the grading before Zavza Seal worked where it's clearly on a much higher altitude than the slope surrounding the property.

The situation of the grading before Zavza Seal worked where it’s clearly on a much higher altitude than the slope surrounding the property. 


An after image showing the grading created by Zavza Seal team that slopes away from the property

An after image showing the grading created by Zavza Seal team that slopes away from the property


Zavza Seal has the expertise and equipment to handle even the most complex grading projects. Our team will assess your property’s unique challenges and develop a customized solution to transform your outdoor space.

By choosing Zavza Seal for their landscape grading needs, the homeowner benefited from our expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Contact us today to discuss your landscape grading needs at (631) 980-1800

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