Westhampton Beach
Get to know Westhampton Beach
Westhampton Beach is an underrated Hampton that packs in plenty of fun. Westhampton is a quaint village on the eastern end of Long Island, and Westhampton Beach is a beachfront community on Long Island. Although it’s not as well known as its sister Southhampton, this coastal town has just as much to offer. Here are some things to do at Westhampton Beach:
Biking is a fun way to get some exercise and see the sights of Westhampton Beach. There are several different ways to enjoy cycling near the village. If you have your bikes, you can bring them on your trip.
A bike path in town connects visitors from all over the area, providing a safe place for cyclists to ride together and take in the scenery. You could also explore one of the parks or walkways on two wheels. You don’t need to be a competitive cyclist or an expert biker to enjoy these routes: they’re just as fun for casual riders looking for a leisurely ride through town. Biking is also something that everyone can do, so it’s great for families with kids who might not be able to walk long distances but still want an up-close look at everything Westhampton Beach has to offer.
When biking around town, remember that cars are allowed on some routes. So stay alert while riding your bike (or in groups) and follow all traffic laws. Please wear proper safety gear such as helmets to ensure that everyone stays safe during their adventure into Westhampton Beach.
You can also have an exciting night out at Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center. All in all, Westhampton Beach is a place for having lots of fun.
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Westhampton Beach History & Culture
The village of Westhampton Beach was incorporated in 1928. In 1938, almost all summer homes on its barrier beach were obliterated by a hurricane resulting in twenty-nine local deaths.
Like most of the shoreline of southern Long Island, the beach at Westhampton Beach was eroding shoreward. This became a political issue in the 1960s. The project to protect the beaches in the area from further erosion was started by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1966, but was only partially completed because of the failure to secure funds from the state and local government. In addition the project design was seriously flawed. As a result, there was increased erosion at the beaches in Westhampton Beach while, up current, the beaches actually grew. During the late 1970s and through the 1980s, beach homes were washed away with every severe storm (nor’easter) that hit the coast. It was only after the nor’easter of November 1992 destroyed over eighty homes, that the Army Corps of Engineers began renewed repair efforts. In the mid-1990s, fifteen historic houses were relocated by the Army Corps of Engineers. The homes were moved off the beach and out of harm’s way, at least for a while, but the beach is still eroding and addition damage is incurred with every storm. Additional work was required after Hurricane Sandy in 2012.