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Water damage seriously damages house systems and jeopardizes the structural integrity of your house. It also results in mold growth, posing a respiratory illness risk, especially in vulnerable populations like the elderly and small children.

Water damage in homes can permeate carpets and other structures, leaving your house with an unpleasant odor. This makes the property untidy. When this occurs, you can feel uneasy entertaining guests or residing in your home.

To avoid such issues, it is important to recognize the water damage indicators early and take action before the situation worsens. You can avoid water damage by reading our guide, which entails participating in water damage prevention methods. 

Common causes of water damage

The most common question is, ‘How to protect your home from water damage.’ before we get into how you can protect your home, let’s talk about the common causes of water damage. 

Leaks in the plumbing systems 

The most frequent reason for water damage is a leak in the plumbing system, wherever it may be.

Leaks frequently happen when pipes corrode. High water pressure, faulty pipe joints, soaring temperatures, and damaged water connections are other reasons for water leaks.

Natural calamities can affect your system. Finding a water leak, however, could be challenging since some happen in less obvious places around the home, including under the sink.

To prevent structural damage, it is crucial to keep an eye out for any plumbing system leaks and to get repairs done as soon as possible.

Clogged gutters 

The most frequent clog-causing substances are tree leaves, weeds, ice, and sludge. Most individuals don’t want to clean their gutters, so debris builds up and clogs the drains.

As the gutters get clogged, water collects in the obstruction, and the extra water begins to overflow close to the house’s structural elements, harming them.

Also, with mold growth comes mold removal and an unpleasant odor. This water may pool in the basement of your home.

Faulty appliances 

Water damage can result from defective water appliances, such as old water heaters and washing machines.

The inadequate water connections and hoses that connect to the appliances are to blame for the equipment’s failure. According to our experts in water damage restoration, the water connections’ flaws cause the water to flow and collect on the floor, harming it.

To restore the integrity of your house when such damages occur, you might investigate several solutions.

Blocked toilets 

Your toilets can clog, which can also result in water damage.

The bathroom may get blocked by solid waste, such as hair, or by clogged drainage systems. Water can overflow and flood the floor if the toilet becomes clogged, harming it. This leads to a potential water damage problem. 

If the problem lasts long while they unclog the drain pipes, it might pose a health risk.

Burst pipes 

Temperature variations are the most frequent cause of pipes bursting.

Your pipes may break when temperatures dip too low because ice develops inside them, expands, and causes freezing.

If the pipes are old and rusted, there is a greater chance that they may break.

Water overflow 

Water overflow, which may happen when you fail to turn off sinks or bathtub faucets, is another reason for water damage.

Water overflow may ruin your flooring and carpets and even encourage the spread of mildew within your home.

If you cannot close your sinks or faucets, you can stop the main water supply to your house until the issue is resolved. Installing a water leak detection device can help you resolve indoor leaks and floods. 

Bad weather conditions 

Even having a plumbing system that is in good working order, bad weather, such as heavy rain and excessive snow, can still result in water damage.

Monitoring your drainage systems during heavy weather is crucial to spot any damage early.

Tips for water damage prevention 

There are different ways of preventing water damage: 

  • Regularly maintain and keep up with your water drain system
  • Install a water flow monitoring system to stay on top of leaks and floods. 
  • Monitor your water bills. 
  • Maintain and keep in check your plumbing.

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