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Many homeowners believe basement leaks are only a problem during the rainy season; unfortunately, this is not true, and it’s a mistake that frequently leads to costly repairs.

What Are the Causes of Basement Leaks in the Winter? 

If your basement leaks in the winter, you’ll discover moist walls or a wet floor. Here are some of the most typical causes for each scenario:

Wet Basement Walls

A foundation crack frequently causes a moist wall in your basement. Water generally enters through basement cracks near the end of the winter season as the ground thaws and moisture collects between the exterior walls and soil. The earth’s pressure will force moisture through the fractures in the wall.

Wet walls can also be caused by a leaking window well. Water usually finds its way through the lowest point of entry, which can include the region around the window itself.

The most popular solution is establishing a good drainage system to guide water away from the house. 

Wet Basement Floors

Water leaking on your basement floor is frequently caused by moisture from a fissure. Foundation cracks should not be ignored; they frequently escalate to larger issues if left alone.

Cracks tend to expand, causing erosion and jeopardizing the integrity of your foundation and, as a result, the structural base of your home. A faulty sump pump or the absence of one entirely might also result in a basement leak.

A sump pump’s function is to remove excess water from your home. During the winter, the pump’s drainage lines can freeze, rendering it inoperable, resulting in a backup into the basement.

Improperly Draining Downspouts, Gutters, and Window Wells

If your downspouts, gutters, and window wells are not properly installed, water might drain too close to your house. Water draining directly next to your foundation might cause hydrostatic pressure, driving water into your basement. These external water management systems aim to move water away from your property rather than towards it. Another approach to help water flow away from your home is to keep leaves and debris out.

Basements Emit Heat

The ground around your house is freezing and snow-covered, yet your basement is toasty. This causes your basement to emit heat, melting the snow around your house. As a result, moisture will accumulate between the frozen ground and your basement when the snow melts around your foundation. Because there is nowhere for the moisture to go, it enters your basement through cracks.

What if my basement leaks only in the winter? 

If you only have basement leakage problems in the winter, it could be due to the heat your basement emits.  During the winter, basements are frequently the hottest area in the house, and the heat radiates from your home and spreads several inches into the earth around your foundation.

Because the heat melts the snow and ice, a considerable amount of liquid accumulates and pushes upwards, escaping via any cracks.

If your basement is wet, take the following steps right away:

  1. Priority number one is to stay safe. Shock or electrocution can result from standing in water while handling any electrical instrument. Wear rubber boots and ensure you can keep dry if you go down into a flooded basement. Do not come into contact with wet electrical lines or gadgets.
  2. Try to figure out where the water came from. Is your basement water problem a one-time occurrence or a recurring issue? If the issue is water seepage, it will likely persist if not addressed. If the water results from a plumbing leak, seek assistance from an experienced plumber.
  3. Remove standing water as soon as possible. A wet-dry vacuum can remove standing water if your basement is partially flooded. Otherwise, you’ll have to hire a plumber or a disaster mitigation specialist to pump out the water. Running a dehumidifier after pumping the basement may be essential to help dry it out.
  4. Remove any articles or items that may attract mold. If damp for over a day or two, several things, such as paper, fabric, wood, and leather, will attract cellar mold. Dry out and save what you can; if possible, discard the remainder. 

Zavza Seal LLC will help you avoid a wet basement this winter

Winter will arrive before we realize it. You don’t want to put off getting your basement waterproofed for too long. Why not stop a leak before it does too much damage? Zavza Seal LLC only employs the greatest products to protect your basement, giving you complete peace of mind.

When you begin waterproofing and winterizing your basement, contact us. Allow one of our experts to check your basement for a free, no-obligation quote!

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Many homeowners believe basement leaks are only a problem during the rainy season; unfortunately, this is not true, and it’s a mistake that frequently leads to costly repairs.

What Are the Causes of Basement Leaks in the Winter? 

If your basement leaks in the winter, you’ll discover moist walls or a wet floor. Here are some of the most typical causes for each scenario:

Wet Basement Walls

A foundation crack frequently causes a moist wall in your basement. Water generally enters through basement cracks near the end of the winter season as the ground thaws and moisture collects between the exterior walls and soil. The earth’s pressure will force moisture through the fractures in the wall.

Wet walls can also be caused by a leaking window well. Water usually finds its way through the lowest point of entry, which can include the region around the window itself.

The most popular solution is establishing a good drainage system to guide water away from the house. 

Wet Basement Floors

Water leaking on your basement floor is frequently caused by moisture from a fissure. Foundation cracks should not be ignored; they frequently escalate to larger issues if left alone.

Cracks tend to expand, causing erosion and jeopardizing the integrity of your foundation and, as a result, the structural base of your home. A faulty sump pump or the absence of one entirely might also result in a basement leak.

A sump pump’s function is to remove excess water from your home. During the winter, the pump’s drainage lines can freeze, rendering it inoperable, resulting in a backup into the basement.

Improperly Draining Downspouts, Gutters, and Window Wells

If your downspouts, gutters, and window wells are not properly installed, water might drain too close to your house. Water draining directly next to your foundation might cause hydrostatic pressure, driving water into your basement. These external water management systems aim to move water away from your property rather than towards it. Another approach to help water flow away from your home is to keep leaves and debris out.

Basements Emit Heat

The ground around your house is freezing and snow-covered, yet your basement is toasty. This causes your basement to emit heat, melting the snow around your house. As a result, moisture will accumulate between the frozen ground and your basement when the snow melts around your foundation. Because there is nowhere for the moisture to go, it enters your basement through cracks.

What if my basement leaks only in the winter? 

If you only have basement leakage problems in the winter, it could be due to the heat your basement emits.  During the winter, basements are frequently the hottest area in the house, and the heat radiates from your home and spreads several inches into the earth around your foundation.

Because the heat melts the snow and ice, a considerable amount of liquid accumulates and pushes upwards, escaping via any cracks.

If your basement is wet, take the following steps right away:

  1. Priority number one is to stay safe. Shock or electrocution can result from standing in water while handling any electrical instrument. Wear rubber boots and ensure you can keep dry if you go down into a flooded basement. Do not come into contact with wet electrical lines or gadgets.
  2. Try to figure out where the water came from. Is your basement water problem a one-time occurrence or a recurring issue? If the issue is water seepage, it will likely persist if not addressed. If the water results from a plumbing leak, seek assistance from an experienced plumber.
  3. Remove standing water as soon as possible. A wet-dry vacuum can remove standing water if your basement is partially flooded. Otherwise, you’ll have to hire a plumber or a disaster mitigation specialist to pump out the water. Running a dehumidifier after pumping the basement may be essential to help dry it out.
  4. Remove any articles or items that may attract mold. If damp for over a day or two, several things, such as paper, fabric, wood, and leather, will attract cellar mold. Dry out and save what you can; if possible, discard the remainder. 

Zavza Seal LLC will help you avoid a wet basement this winter

Winter will arrive before we realize it. You don’t want to put off getting your basement waterproofed for too long. Why not stop a leak before it does too much damage? Zavza Seal LLC only employs the greatest products to protect your basement, giving you complete peace of mind.

When you begin waterproofing and winterizing your basement, contact us. Allow one of our experts to check your basement for a free, no-obligation quote!

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