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Water in the wrong places is any homeowner’s worst nightmare by Exterior Waterproofing. The situation worsens for people living in humid and rainy climatic environments. No one likes to live like Noah on his Ark and watch their furniture floating after a fresh rainfall. This is why waterproofing your home against these bizarre situations is a must. While the concept of Interior waterproofing vs. Exterior Waterproofing is essentially the same, the techniques can differ. In this guide, we will provide you with the best information on how to protect your interior and exterior from the effects of water infiltration and get bone dry basement waterproofing.

Signs of water damage

  • Watch out for any funny odor emanating from the room.
  • Look for dampness in the house it is most prominent in the clothing and furniture.
  • Check  for any signs of mold or mildew.
  • Look out for any breathing problems. Usually, people who suffer from asthma start getting a worse effect of their symptoms when moisture is involved.

Exterior Waterproofing

The exterior of the house is the most prone to the effects of outside elements. These effects can extend to the foundation of the house. If you live in an area with restricted outside space, loose soil, and proximity with the neighbors, exterior waterproofing is hard to do.

Constant exposure to water can cause decay and cut down the longevity of the property. The exterior includes your:

  • Driveway
  • Roofs
  • Pools
  • Garage
  • Patios and decks
  • Stuccos

Best Solutions for Exterior Waterproofing

This waterproof bond coating will help with exterior waterproofing. With great adhesive qualities, the waterproof polymer cement can be used in concrete repairs. This makes it ideal for all exterior structures like pools, roofs, terraces, foundations, cellars, and decks. Also, it does not need a primer or bond coat for effectiveness.

An excellent waterproofing applicant that penetrates deep into the concrete matrix and fills out all the voids that are there. This emulsion formulae bonds with the calcium and lime of the concrete transforming into a thick waterproof barrier of colloidal silicate gel. At the same time, the concrete allows vapors to escape from it.

Internal Waterproofing

The purpose of interior waterproofing is to ensure that the water that seeps into the house is re-routed out. A successful interior waterproofing system will ensure that all the cracks seal well and water has no access. The basement of the house is naturally the most exposed to these leaks and a good barrier is nearly always required.

Interior waterproofing is generally more inexpensive and easier than the exterior option. The success of the process will mean no moldy clothes or furniture in the room.

Best solution

Bascrete BRK-50

This bond coat has excellent adhesive properties that are helpful in waterproofing interiors. It works great with bathrooms, cellars, and the basement. The use of this basecoat can be used for the exterior as well. This solution does not require a primer or additional bond coating. Looking for innovative solutions to your waterproofing requirements? Schedule a consultation now!